Committed to Quality After-Hours Emergency Pet Care
In 1975, 41 local veterinarians founded Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic to provide quality after-hours emergency care for their patients. Our after-hours hospitals offer a vital service for veterinarians and pet owners in Fullerton, Garden Grove, and surrounding communities. Our emergency clinics are the go-to place for after-hours pet emergencies, including car accidents, trauma, fractures, poisonings, and other emergencies.
Highly skilled veterinarians, registered veterinary technicians, and veterinary assistants staff our pet emergency clinics. The members of our team make the career choice to specialize in pet emergencies and critical care. Our veterinarians and staff commit 100% to ensuring your pet receives quality care. We take pride in the excellent medical and surgical care we provide.
Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics: Our Mission
Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic (OCEPC) makes it our mission to provide state-of-the-art emergency and critical care services for pets. We provide services to include the client, referring veterinarian, and the OCEPC staff in a team decision-making process, stressing open communication, mutual respect, compassion, and, above all, the well-being of the patient.