OCEPC is dedicated to promoting ongoing education within our local veterinary community. We aim to exchange knowledge with your team, sharing our expertise while also learning from your insights and experiences.

Every referring hospital is welcome to sign-up team members to attend quarterly in-person continuing education events. A referring hospital is one that actively refers clients to OCEPC.

Examples of actively referring clients include:

  • Sending patients for overnight or weekend care.
  • Posting our information on your front door and/or on your website for after-hours care.
  • Placing our brochures in your lobby.
  • Providing our information to your clients in the form of partnership magnets, business cards, brochures, etc.

Upcoming Topics

  • Six Common Toxicities in the Dog—Sign Up Coming Soon!
    Program Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    Program Time: 6:30pm-7pm Dinner, 7pm-8pm Lecture
    Program Location: OCVAS 12752 Garden Grove Blvd. #250 Garden Grove, CA 92843
    Program Description: This program is for the general practitioner to review six common toxicities including grapes/raisins, xylitol, cholecalciferol, bromethalin, methamphetamine and THC. We will discuss common presentation, diagnostic testing and recommended treatments.
    CE: 1 Hour Medical
    Presenter: Jenny Hoose, DVM, DACVECC